Michael K. Saffran

Michael Kevin Saffran was born April 25, 1960 in Baltimore, Maryland. While in the Navy he moved to Chesapeake with his wife Sandra and their family. After 20 years of service, he retired from the Navy and, on November 29, 2004, joined the Chesapeake Police Department to fulfill a lifelong dream of following in the footsteps of his father, a retired Baltimore City police officer.

Officer Saffran attended the Chesapeake Police Academy's 47th Session and graduated May 18, 2005. He completed the Field Training portion of his training just a few short weeks prior to his death.

On Saturday, October 8, 2005 at approximately 9:50 a.m., Officer Saffran responded to a robbery alarm at a local bank. Arriving on the scene, he followed a vehicle observed leaving the area. The vehicle, containing the robber and three hostages, crashed a short distance away at the intersection of Old George Washington Highway and Yadkin Road.

A female hostage had been forced at gunpoint to drive the vehicle away from the bank with the other hostages and suspect. After the vehicle wrecked, the suspect pulled the lone male hostage from the car, placing a revolver to this victim's head in his continued attempt to escape. The hostage was able to break free and run while the suspect and officers became involved in a short gun battle. The suspect, Officer Saffran, and a female hostage were all struck by gunfire.

The suspect was shot by Officer Saffran and the other officers and died at the scene. Officer Saffran and the injured female hostage were transported to Norfolk General Hospital where Officer Saffran died.

Officer Michael Kevin Saffran was killed in the line of duty October 8, 2005, while in the performance of his fundamental duties of serving mankind, safeguarding lives and property.

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