Jasper C. Miller

Jasper Columbus Miller was born in 1879 and resided in the Indian River Park Section of Norfolk County with his wife, Isa Parker Miller, six daughters and three sons. Jasper Miller was appointed a Norfolk County Law Enforcement Officer in 1917.

On December 11, 1926, Officer Miller, Norfolk and Western Railway Detective Fred D. Porter and Mr. Arthur C. Keter, were all directed to execute a search warrant for illegal liquor in residences located on Old Great Bridge Road, West Munden, in Norfolk County.

Officer Miller had successfully executed a search warrant and raid on an illegal liquor establishment in the same neighborhood earlier that morning.

Arriving at the house at approximately 11:30 PM, Detective Porter and Mr. Keter went to the rear of the house to prevent the escape of those inside the house. Officer Miller went to the front door entering the house at the same time.

As they entered the house, several subjects became belligerent and combative with the officers, one lady attempted to assault Officer Miller with a cast iron frying pan.

Officer Miller and his partners subdued the woman and arrested several other subjects. After ensuring that the prisoners were secured, Officer Miller decided to search the rest of the house.

Officer Miller then left Detective Porter and Mr. Keter with the prisoners in the kitchen and entered the hallway in the house.

Waiting in the hallway was an undiscovered male armed with a double barrel shotgun. Officer Miller progressed down the hallway having no idea of what lay ahead.

Suddenly, in the darkened hallway, a shot rang out, shattering the stillness of the house.

Detective Porter and Mr. Keter immediately rushed to the aid of their fellow officer, however it was too late, Officer Miller had been hit with a shotgun blast at close range, killing him instantly.

The suspect escaped through an open window. Detective Porter in hot pursuit was unable to catch him and Mr. Hodges successfully eluded him.

The next day a search party led by Norfolk County Police Officers found and captured the suspect in a house some miles from where the shooting had occurred.

Officer Jasper Columbus Miller was a well-known Norfolk County Police Officer at the time and was held in high regard by both his fellow officers and the citizens he swore to serve and protect.

Officer Jasper Columbus Miller was killed in the line of duty on December 11, 1926, while in the performance of his fundamental duties of serving mankind, safeguarding lives and property.

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